
Empowering Healthcare, Supporting Patients

Welcome to the Lingfield Surgery Patient Participation Programme (PPG). The aim of the PPG is to be 'the voice of the community' for the Lingfield Surgery (GP practice).

The PPG is a group of volunteers who are patients of the surgery and want to help it work as well as it can for patients, doctors and staff. The NHS requires every practice to have a PPG.


We are completely independent of the Surgery and our goal is simple: to help all parties to achieve the best outcome from the resources available to patients from the Surgery healthcare team.

Supporting Excellent Healthcare

We know that Lingfield Surgery want us to receive the best possible treatment in all aspects of our care. Their latest CQC assessment returned an overall assessment of “Good”, but nothing is ever perfect and they have made it clear that their goal is constantly to improve.

Enhanced Communication

PPGs are instrumental in building a bridge between healthcare providers and patients, fostering clearer, more open communication. They play a pivotal role in facilitating discussions and feedback, allowing for improved services and patient experiences within the healthcare system.

  • Community Liaison

    Community Liason

    Experience quality

    PPGs act as the liaison between the medical practice and the community, ensuring that the services provided are in line with the community's needs. By being the bridge, they enhance the mutual understanding and cooperation between healthcare providers and patients

    Enhanced healthcare services aligned with community needs and a platform to voice your concerns and suggestions.

  • Health Promotion

    Health Promotion

    Health Promotion

    They play a vital role in promoting health and wellness within the community, supporting the practice in delivering health awareness and patient education programs.

    Access to health resources and educational materials to make informed health decisions and lead a healthier lifestyle

  • Practice Enhancement

    Practice Enhancement

    Practice Enhancement

    They contribute feedback and suggestions for improvements, ensuring the practice continually evolves to meet the patients' needs and expectations

    A more responsive and patient-centric healthcare service, tailored to your needs and expectations.

  • Patient Advocacy

    Patient Advocacy

    Patient Advocacy

    PPGs represent the patients' perspective, offering feedback from the patient population and assisting in making effective use of resources

    Representation of your views and experiences, leading to more patient-friendly services and resources.


Helping you get to know the Lingfield Surgery

The 4 GPs are increasingly supported by investments in technology and by other specialist staff, including:

  • 4 nurses who provide nurse led clinics for long-term conditions.
  • 3 phlebotomists
  • 2 care coordinators
  • 1 paramedic
  • 2 clinical pharmacists.

All backed up by a team of reception/administration staff and a practice manager and operations manager who provide managerial oversight.

A message from Lingfield Surgery

Lingfield Surgery stands as a pillar of progressive healthcare in the Surrey Heartlands. Known for our innovation and commitment to patient-centric services, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive healthcare, tailored to the diverse needs of our community. Our team of healthcare professionals is motivated to offer an array of services that go beyond treating ailments, focusing on enhancing overall well-being.

Lingfield Surgery is optimistic about the future of healthcare. We aspire to create an inclusive and collaborative environment that promotes learning, growth, and mutual respect between healthcare providers and patients, ensuring a harmonious and thriving community.


01342 836327


East Grinstead Road

Normal Opening Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 6:30pm
Saturday: Closed
Saturday:  Closed



After being asked to set up a PPG during summer 2023, we swiftly formed a team of individuals who possessed the appropriate balance of understanding of the needs of specific groups of people, with particular expertise such a medical knowledge, IT skills, community involvement, etc. Then we sought advice from existing PPGs, Surrey Heartlands and the Surgery. The result was a group of people who between them have the necessary skills and knowledge, but importantly share a commitment to help improve the healthcare outcomes in our community.

First meetings

The first meeting took place in September 2023 and the roles, responsibilities and Terms of Reference were agreed. The first formal meeting is planned for November 2023, when we will begin the two-way communication between the Surgery and the Community. This and future meetings will be minuted and the minutes displayed on this web site and on the Surgery notice board.


In future, we will meet formally every three months, but will be active in the intervening periods, so please do provide your feedback on an ongoing basis.


Welcome from the PPG Chairperson

Dear Lingfield Community Members,

Lingfield Surgery Patients’ Participation Group (PPG), is delighted to welcome you to this new site.

Our aim is to support our Surgery in helping the community to enjoy better health. Independence is key; we are neither part of, nor funded by, the Surgery. Instead, we will endeavour to act as a bridge between them and the community.

A PPG is a mandatory requirement in Primary Care. When asked to set up such a group I looked for individuals who could both represent as many facets of the community as possible, and who also shared a commitment and enthusiasm to help Lingfield become a standard-bearer for best practice in healthcare. As a group, we took advice from existing PPGs and other experts, including the Surgery itself. Lingfield already benefits from one of the best networks of constantly available defibrillators in any village, thanks to generous support from our business community. Now, let’s work together to help one another address the health issues which sometimes create the need for such remedial devices. The Surgery can provide the tools and expertise, but in order to succeed, they will need our help.

We in the PPG team will do our best to inform all members of the community what is available and of relevant developments that might affect us all. We will use this web site and other methods such as posters in the Surgery to communicate. We will try to keep the messages concise but please take the time to read them. We also need your feedback. The Surgery wants to know what it is doing well and where they might improve. They are an enthusiastic and dedicated team of people, but they can only help us if they know what we seek.

Finally, if you have any comments or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here. I promise that one of us will always respond.

Let's work together to make Lingfield not just a great village, but one that is admired for its healthcare outcomes.

With Regards,
Clive Jecks
Chairperson, Lingfield Patient Participation Group

PPGs and Their Official Role within Surrey Heartlands

The PPG is all about us, the patients, giving feedback on the care we receive with the Surgery providing information about the most effective way to use their available services. Wherever possible, we should all be responsible for our own health and wellbeing and should therefore try to be proactively involved in decisions about our care.

Use this web site to keep up to date with what is on offer and to have a say about your views on the practice: staff, services, appointments and how they meet our needs.

Sometimes seeing a GP is not the most effective solution when other specialist skills exist in the Surgery. We will be discussing the choices open to us and want all interested parties to participate in the choices and plans the Surgery make.

If you wish to provide feedback, or become involved in any way, please use the contacts provided.

Claire Rowley
Ryan Howard
Ian Whitley
Vivian Jones

The PPG do not handle patients' complaints

We are not funded by, or in any way part of the Surgery. Consequently, we will not field specific complaints and no medical information or questions will be responded to.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does the PPG enhance communication between patients and the practice?

The PPG serves as a communication bridge, disseminating important information and gathering patient feedback to improve services and enhance patient experiences.

 How does the PPG represent the patients' perspective?

The PPG gathers and shares feedback and insights from the patient population, helping the practice make informed decisions to improve services and healthcare outcomes.

How can I contribute my feedback or ideas to the PPG?

While the primary function of the PPG is to inform, many have channels through which patients can communicate their thoughts, experiences, and suggestions. Please check with Lingfield PPG directly or refer to their resources for specific ways to contribute your feedback or ideas.

Are you run by the NHS?

By law, every surgery must have a PPG, but the PPG is a collection of volenteers from the local community, and often does include health professionals from the NHS working on a volenteer basis.

How do I get involved?

Participating or providing feedback can help in shaping the healthcare services to better suit the needs of the community.